Making your home the best nest it can be

Before and After

Custom Built-Ins

Gotta love built-ins. Good news is I live in New England where most homes feature built-in hutches and bookshelves. Bad news is the home we picked had zilch. Solution? Having a talented carpenter at my disposal.  All I have to do is draw it and poof it is there!  (Poof = several tools, messes, and days later).

Like most people I know, we either eat at the coffee table in front of the boob tube or at the kitchen island. The two of us sitting down at a big dining table seems a bit formal in a “can someone please pass the Grey Poupon” sort of way.  So in order to give this rarely used room some face time, we turned it into a multi-purpose spot by adding a floor to ceiling library. Dining room debacle no more.

         The dining room before (nice, but boring):               


The dining room after (ooooohhh, insert golf clap here):


It changed the feel of the room and added depth to the condo. It is also nice to have all the books in one place. For more of our renovation photos click here


Client Bathroom Renovation

Our friend Robert’s bathroom was in desperate need of a makeover.  Like our kitchen when we moved in, the 80’s décor in this bath overstayed its welcome.  I had the honor of being the designer for this project while my husband was the contractor. Luckily Robert and I had the same classic vision for his bathroom.

Bathroom Before:




Bathroom After:


You can’t go wrong with beveled subway tile and Carrara marble floor tile

To get this look:

All tile from Best Tile

Fixtures courtesy of Restoration Hardware

Gramercy Sink

Framed Medicine Cabinet

Kent Sconce

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Making your home the best nest it can be

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